My CPU memory is at 1774 MHz. My PCIe buss is slightly over clocked. ..
Device: GeForce 9800 GT, 1500 MHz clock, 512 MB memory.Compute capability 1.1Compiled with CUDA 3020. PowerSpectrum+summax Unit test #6 (pinned mem)Stock: PwrSpec< 64> 12.1 GFlops 48.5 GB/s 1183.3ulps SumMax ( 64) 1.1 GFlops 4.8 GB/sEvery ifft average & peak OK PS+SuMx( 64) 3.5 GFlops 14.2 GB/sGetPowerSpectrum() choice for Opt1: 64 thrds/block 64 threads: 12.1 GFlops 48.4 GB/s 121.7ulps Opt1 (PSmod3+SM): 64 thrds/blockPowerSpectrumSumMax array pinned in host memory. 64 threads, fftlen 64: (worst case: full summax copy) 5.8 GFlops 23.4 GB/s 121.7ulpsEvery ifft average & peak OK 64 threads, fftlen 64: (best case, nothing to update) 7.0 GFlops 28.4 GB/s 121.7ulps
and one small mobile GPU :
Well here is one of my slightly overclocked GTX460.
now if the pink was better distingushabel from the white would you like that for the GB/s as well?